Official Pictures
- AVRIL 2013 © Sandra Bariller
Musicians I’ve played with or met
- Avec Alain Gozzo de TAMA
- Mr Florent Mothe
- Playing with Paul Gilbert
- Gergo Borlaï, Me and Bernard Purdie
- Avec Nicolas Bastos & Gergo Borlaï
- with Youri De Groote
- With Mr Bernard”Pretty” Purdie
- Playing with Guthrie Govan
- touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- Enregistrement album Florent Mothe
- Mr Mickaelangelo Loconte
- Playing with Paul Gilbert
- avec Florent Mothe
- with Satan Jokers
- with MR Vinnie Colaiuta
- Playing with Guthrie Govan
- Avec Ivan, Jean Fontanille et Pascal Vigné pendant la tournée Mörglbl&Friends
- Meeting Mr Robert Trujillo
- with Dominic Miller
- Meeting Tony Levin
- Avec Claire Pérot
- touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- drum clinic with Anika Niles
- with Dirk Verbeuren in China
- Playing with Charlie Morris blues band
- Satan Jokers
- with Sting
- Avec Claude Saragossa & Mickael Boudoux
- with Mattias eklundh
- touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- with Dom Famularo
- Mr Mike Terrana
- Meeting Mike Patton
- Mr Pascal Mulot
- With Damien Schmitt
- With Youri De Groote and Patrick Rondat
- with Mr Sean Reinert
- with Dirk Verbeuren
- Meeting Steve Vai
- touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- Playing with Guthrie Govan
- touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- On tour with ZUUL FX
- With Mika Tyyska”Mr Fastfinger”
- Recording with Youri De Groote
- Meeting Terry Bozzio
- Avec Nono et Christophe après un show au Divan du Monde
- Behind Simon Drum Kit
- very old picture touring with Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal
- With Renaud-Louis Servais Group
- On Tour with ZUUL FX
- Tour with Neil Zaza and Sean O’Bryan Smith